Tuesday 22 January 2008

Blog for Choice day!

It has been brought to my attention by oh, everyone, that today is blog for choice day.

So here are the reasons I am pro-choice.

  1. I am, myself, completely not ready to have a baby. If I got pregnant, I would get an abortion. To me it is that simple.
  2. Women should not be forced to give birth, ever. They should never have to feel that they are enduring pregnancy and motherhood.
  3. I believe that only the individual woman has the right to make these choices for herself.

Richard Littlejohn shows his true, human-hating colours

I wrote this after seeing this response to this column in the Daily Mail. I urge you to read it and then contact the paper.

I am writing to you and wondering if it is the right thing to do. I don't know if anyone will pay attention to this letter, but I have to write it. Richard Littlejohn's column regarding the murder of five prostitutes was one of the most odious, horrific pieces of garbage I have ever read in my entire life. I am actively trying to find a higher authority to whom I can write. Rest assured I will be telling everyone I know about this, I will publicize it in the blogsphere, I will do everything I can to make sure that every woman (and man) I know never buys any paper again which contains that man's work.

I would like to ask Mr Littlejohn what he is doing to contribute to society's good other than spewing hateful bile every day. No great loss? Every life is a great loss, every loss of potential is enormous. These women were probably not perfect but who is? Are you? Their children will miss them, their parents and friends will miss them. That is a tragedy, and how dare you belittle the grief those people feel for the loss of their mothers and daughters.

It has always struck me as one of the great ironies inherent in people like Littlejohn that, while claiming to be populist choices of the people, they lack even simple human compassion for people who have had unfortunate lives. Society, they yell, is not to blame! Yet society is at the root of seemingly every other evil they can think of! Who is to blame for fathers being kicked to death by gangs? Society! Liberal, bleeding heart society. But when the time comes when it looks like society may have to take the blame for something that Littlejohn condones he is quick to place the blame on the individual.

What Littlejohn is condoning is nothing less than the abuse of women and prostitutes. Don't feel too bad for wanting to smack that woman, she's just a whore, no harm done, her grubby life means nothing. She's never going to cure cancer, is she?

Let me ask you then, all of you who agree with Mr Littlejohn:

What are you going to do today that makes your life worth more than theirs? Are you going to cure cancer? Are you going to build anything meaningful? Are you going to feed the hungry? Work towards world peace? Or are you sitting there, just hating? Are you living out your own grubby little existence, trying to make yourself feel better by tearing down some poor woman who was just doing what she had to?

In Mr Littlejohn's case at least, I know the answer.

Monday 14 January 2008

I am exactly that kind of girl

I sort of promised myself I wouldn't get another blog. After livejournaling for seven years (seven.years. OMG), I sort of felt that I'd told teh internets enough about myself.

But hey, you know what? I have interests that perhaps aren't that suitable for my fannish blog. Anthropology, politics, my attempts to lose weight...tons of uploads. My feminist and GLBT posts.

So I've opened this blog, titled it after a Fall Out Boy song and broken yet another promise to myself.

Happy New Year, baby.